DDEV add-on

Our DDEV integration allows you to take screenshots from your local environment.

For that, you need to install DDEV add-on

ddev get diffywebsite/ddev-diffy
ddev restart

During the installaiton you will see the output of npm install. That is expected.

After successful installation you need to create .env file in .ddev/diffy-worker directory and populate it with DIFFY_API_KEY and DIFFY_PROJECT_ID.

And now you can run:

ddev screenshot

It will take screenshots from your environment and upload them to Diffy so you can compare them with other screenshots taken from any of your other environments (production, staging, development, or baseline).

See the video walkthrough.

Multiple domains

If you use multiple domains for your website i.e. you have additional_hostnames in your config.yaml file:

  - sitea
  - siteb

You need to make sure diffy container knows how to talk to your site by using those domains. For that add docker-compose.router.yaml file to your .ddev directory with content:

      - ddev-router:sitea.ddev.site
      - ddev-router:siteb.ddev.site

Then you can adjust your diffy command .ddev/commands/diffy/screenshot to use your custom domain name instead of simple https://web. So it will be:

node diffy-screenshots --url=https://sitea.ddev.site --screenshot-name=$DDEV_HOSTNAME

Last updated