Zapier integration (JIRA, Trello, Basecamp integrations)

You can create tickets in your bug-tracking system (i.e. Jira, Asana, Trello, Basecamp etc.) right from Diffy with Zapier integration.

Join Zapier app

First step is to join our Zapier app

Create a Zap

The second step is to create a Zap. With an awesome AI prompt in Zapier, it can be as simple as entering "Diffy creates issue in Jira"

To authenticate Zapier with Diffy, you need to provide an API key. You can obtain it here. Remember, you must be the team's primary owner to access the Keys.

Make sure to select the right project in your Zap. Separate Zaps will be required if you plan to integrate multiple Diffy projects with Zapier.

For the field mappings, we recommend using Diffy's Name in the Summary and Diffy's Description as the Description in the Jira issue.

Create issues from Diffy

Once you publish your zap, go back to your project and see that you now have the fourth option when marking changes: "It's a BUG & create ticket."

This will show a popup to edit the ticket's title and description and create a Jira issue for you.

Also, once you have reviewed your Diff, you can create a single ticket for the whole set of changes. See the new "Create ticket" link in the header.

Here is a newly created issue in Jira

In the same way, you can configure creating issues in any other ticketing system: GitHub, Trello, Asana, Basecamp, and others.

Last updated